A biologist and fish disease expert has initiated a petition aimed at halting a proposed ban on the importation and trade of wild-caught ornamental fish in Flanders, Belgium. Should this ban be implemented, it would have significant repercussions for freshwater and marine fish, impacting hobbyists, retailers, wholesalers, fish importers, and those abroad who depend onRead More
Trade News & Reviews
OATA Issues Important Antibiotic Guidelines
The Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association has introduced a new guide that clarifies the legal framework regarding the use of antibiotics for treating fish, corals, and other invertebrates. This guidance note aims to assist the industry in understanding its obligations concerning these vital medications and to ensure that trade contributes to the fight against antimicrobial resistanceRead More
New Event At AAC Set To Be Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before
Hosted by Coral Freaks Productions in association with Love2Reef, Advanced Aquarium Consultancy (AAC) in Essex are set to host a completely new kind of reefing event on 26 October. Entitled “A Reefer’s Audience Live With…” this exciting new event departs from the typical trade show format of recent events and instead focuses on creating aRead More
CITES Marine Fish Workshop opens in Australia
The global ornamental aquatics industry is making its pitch this week at a special workshop taking place in Brisbane, Australia (7 to 10 May) for its proposal on how the international community can support the marine fish species most in need of conservation. Trade representatives are joining NGOs, exporting countries and Government representatives in aRead More
UK’s Largest Aquatics And Reptile Show Set For Debut
AQUAH is set to make a splash this year with the launch of the UK’s largest aquatics and reptile show on 6th-7th April. Inspired by similar shows in Europe and the US, AQUAH was created to cater to the ever-growing UKaquatics and reptile communities, offering an unparalleled platform to engage with a vast array ofRead More
Study Finds Global Marine Aquarium Trade Now Worth Over $2.15 Billion, But Big Challenges Ahead
New research has generated the first global estimate of the number of fish and invertebrates within the Marine Aquarium Trade and discovered that every year, an estimated 55 million organisms are sold. Worth $2.15bn at retail, it places the industry on par with global fisheries, such as tuna, in terms of economic significance. The paper, published in ScienceRead More
ITC Announce Launch of M-Rack
ITC Reefculture have launched M-Rack; an all new approach to mounting accessories to your aquarium. M-Rack uses magnet mountings that have been built to withstand the demands of time and the reef aquarium together. The new quick and easy to remove lock mounting system gives the flexibility to change out accessories as needed, whilst savingRead More
AAC Birthday Event Proves Reefing Is “Alive and Kicking” In UK
Held on the 18 November 2023 in Harlow Essex, Advanced Aquarium Consultancy’s recent 16th birthday celebration proved particularly popular, attracting lots of interest and hundreds of visitors. With trade representatives on hand to assist customers (along with AACs small army of dedicted and hard-working staff), the day also featured special guests including Tony Vargas (ofRead More
Upcoming Shop Event Announced in North East UK
We are pleased to share news of an upcoming open day at UltraMarine stockist store, The Reef Experience, based in Co Durham. Look out for the UM display stand at the event and don’t forget to grad a copy or sign up for a subscription using one of the QR codes on the display. Share:FacebookTwitterEmail
Sicce Turn Up The Heat With Innovative New Offerings
Already well known for their innovative reef products, 50 years established Italian operation Sicce has just launched some new products that are likely to be of interest to hobbyists both freshwater and marine. In a move that brings a refreshing injection of innovation to the aquarium heater market, Sicce has launched the SCUBA ContactLESS Heater.Read More