When we published our 50th issue, we promised to make a PDF copy of UltraMarine Magazine Issue 1 available for download*, so here it is!
It would make us very happy if you chose to post a link on Facebook, Tweet your followers, etc., but there are no catches – you don’t need to sign your life away – we won’t even ask for your email address – just click and enjoy.
Launched by brothers Kieran (editor) and Chris (designer) Hart, this landmark issue included:
- Your First Corals, by Eric Borneman
- Trade News
- Hobbyist Profile – Keith Shaw’s 7ft reef
- Golden Wentletrap Snails, by Mark Strickland
- Keeping Coris
- Using Ozone in Marine Aquaria, by Clayton Smith
- Public Aquarium Profile of the National Sea Life Centre, Birmingham
- Hawkfishes in the Aquarium, by James Fatherree
- Unnatural Selection, by Tony Wu
- Q&A with Bob Goemans
- Breeding Tropical Marine Fish, by Clayton Smith
- Pest Organisms on Live Rock, by Alf J Nilsen
- Triggerfish of the Red Sea, by Bob Fenner
* The PDF is around 24 MB so it may take some time to download on slower connections.
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