- Reef Icons – No. 28 – We provide a sweet treat for fish fanciers as the stunning and elusive Candy Basslet Liopropoma carmabi heads a bounty of beautiful reef basslets… but can they be tricky too?
- Close Look: Shop Review – We’ve been on a roll of superb shop visits in recent issues, but will our “lucky streak” continue as we visit Reef Aquatics, a relatively new store in the Lincolnshire Wolds?
- It’s Zlementary, My Dear Watson! – In true Sherlock Holmes fashion, we interrogate Reef Zlements CEO Jose Borges Duarte… Our aim? Get acquainted with the amazing Reef Zlements display tank based at their Peterborough HQ!
- Something Special – In search of that “cherry on the cake” centrepiece fish for your reef? Join US veteran reefer Mike Paletta as he shares some of his favourite showpiece fish candidates from over the years.
- Anti-Predation Innovation – As predator and prey face-off in an ever evolving underwater arms race, Chris Sergeant analyses the clever defence mechanisms that many fishes use to stay off the menu!
- Old Tank Syndrome – Is it merely a myth, or an inevitable reality? Campbell Robertson tackles this age old (and sometimes devisive) chestnut, so that you can keep your reef running smoothly well into the future.
- Magical Milne – Dr Richard Smith brings us a field report from a recent trip to Papua New Guinea’s iconic Milne Bay where he’s spotted some stunning rarities but also some worrying signs of decline.
Plus Marine and Product News. and much more!
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