Reef Icons – No. 12 – In this issue we’ve got a real subtle beauty as Editor John Clipperton get’s up close and personal with the iconic Randall’s Shrimp Goby.
Close Look Reviews – See how we react to a hands-on install of TMC’s REEF-Filter 1000 multi purpose filter and Sicce’s XStream SDC Wi-Fi propeller pumps.
Cause and Effect – As ever, Mike Paletta has been enthusiastically fiddling with his famed 500 US gallon behemoth reef system. Have his efforts been victorious, or in vain?
Better Left to Nature – Rich Aspinall is the (manly) angel on our shoulder as he dutifully steers us away from those ‘heart-breaker’ marine fish species.
Skimmers: Dream, or Nightmare? – Don’t foam at the mouth with rage if your skimmer-cup overfloweth… read Campbell Robertson’s guide and you’ll have no trouble bursting the bubble!
Taking the Plunge – Whether it’s your first or fifteenth, Keith Moyle is here to help you ‘dodge the bullets’ if you are setting up a modern reef aquarium.
The Rocky Reefs of Albufiera – Rejuvenate those jaded spirits courtesy of Chris Sergeant as he immerses himself in the marine life of Albufiera.
Fine Art, or Freak Show? – John Clipperton examines the increased use of reef fluorescence imagery across digital platforms and asks is it Picture Perfect or Photoshop Fail?
Plus Marine and Product News and much more!
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