In this issue:
Reef Icons – No. 22 – When it comes to colourful, interesting and reasonably reef-friendly fishes, the wrasses of the Halichoeres genus take some beating. For that reason, John Clipperton presents not just one, but a varied selection of some truly splendid species.
Close Look: Shop Review – Looking for a local reef retailer that you can really rely on? John Clipperton continues his visits to top marine stores around the UK, this time with a visit to Radical Aquatics in Leeds. But are they worthy of the UltraMarine “seal of approval”?
Turbulent Times – Events That Changed Reefing – Award-winning US veteran hobbyist Mike Paletta pinpoints the landmark events that shaped the hobby we know today, and studies the sometimes seismic sea-changes that rocked reef-keeping forever.
Beat the Blackout! – As ill-winds blow, and we prepare for a potentially challenging Winter, Campbell Robertson hopes for the best, but plans for the worst, and takes us through a range of proactive strategies to defeat those dreaded power-cuts.
True or False? A Crab Conundrum – Chris Sergeant nips your preceonceptions in the bud (ouch!) with this commentary on some decidedly deceptive decapods and explains just what it is that makes a crab the “real deal”… or maybe something more mysterious.
Close up on Corals – Acropora [Pt 3] – John Clipperton picks-up from Part 2 back in issue 93, and concludes his series looking at this truly iconic coral genus. This time it’s problems, pests and propagation that are our areas for investigation.
Plus Marine and Product News, and much more!
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