Similar in appearance to a number of other species in the Halichoeres genus, H. timorensis is found at depths of 5 – 15m on shallow coastal reefs in the Indo-West Pacific (from Sri Lanka to Indonesia), mainly over rock substrates with soft coral and algal growth. It occurs in small, loose groups dominated by a large male but may also be solitary. A maximum size of 12cm is attainable in the wild. Like other members of the genus, the Timor wrasse is generally peaceful and hardy in captivity, and once settled is likely to be quite greedy. A soft sandy substrate of at least 2-3 inches depth is recommended, as is a tight-fitting lid. In a large tank it may be possible to keep a group of this species if care is taken, or a mixed species group. Like many other wrasses, this species is prone to injury to its teeth and jaws, so always check when buying (image shows medium size specimen… courtesy of Burscough Aquatics, UK)
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