Inside this issue of UltraMarine Magazine:
- Quick Look: Neptune Apex – Seasoned UK hobbyist, Keith Moyle, casts his critical eye over Neptune’s latest option for reef automation.
- Fishes in Focus – John Clipperton presents part one of his introduction to the iconic Centropyge genus of dwarf angelfishes, with a look at the more ‘popular’ species that may be encountered by you, the intrepid and observant reef hobbyist.
- Sponges – In an almost sponge-like manner, Kenneth Wingerter absorbs a plethora of information about these ubiquitous yet inconspicuous reef organisms and then eloquently expels it in written format for your pleasurable perusal – part one of a two-part series.
- Fish Aggression – Tristan Lougher steps into the fray and examines the causes of fish aggression in captivity. In this special, extended feature we also evaluate the various strategies that can be used to help keep the peace.
- It’s a Dirty Job – Dave Wolfenden rolls up his sleeves and delves into the murky world of reef aquarium filtration both to clarify the prevalent methodologies and to help you select your ‘weapon of choice’ in the ongoing battle against potential pollutants.
- Sand-stirrers in the Marine Aquarium – Jim Fatherree sifts through a myriad of substrate dwelling organisms and brings us a dream team to keep your sand clean.
- Change is in the Water Part 2 – Following on from last issue, Danilo Ronchi concludes this interview piece in which a panel of international experts grapples with the question ‘are water changes really beneficial for our reef aquaria?’
Plus Marine and Product News, Q&A with Dave Wolfenden, and more!
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