- Close Look Product Review – We take a look at a stunning new book from expert diver (and occasional UltraMarine contributor) Dr Richard Smith.
- Reef Icons – No.5 – John Clipperton reprises his series of intimate species portraits and pays homage to another iconic reef-keeping treasure… the Sunburst Anthias.
- Essentially Optional – Keith Moyle uses his 40+ years of aquatic experience to help you save money and prioritise on those really important bits of reef equipment.
- Lessons Learnt – Mike Paletta makes a triumphant return for a much anticipated update on his rapidly growing 500 US gallon reef system.
- Close-up on Corals: Turbinaria – James Fatherree’s primer on this fascinating and sometimes surprising genus of corals is sure to boost your chances of success
- Top 5 Reef Destinations – Buckle-up as we take a magical mystery tour through a host of diverse marine aquatic environments with ex-editor Rich Aspinall at the helm.
- Consider the Source – Bob Fenner puts his unique style into action with a comprehensive and thoughtful examination of Hawaiian Butterflyfishes.
- UltraMarine’s Ultimate Reefs – John Clipperton revisits some of the stunning reef aquaria that have graced the pages of UltraMarine over the last couple of years.
Plus Marine and Product News, plus Q&A with Dave Wolfenden!
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