A biologist and fish disease expert has initiated a petition aimed at halting a proposed ban on the importation and trade of wild-caught ornamental fish in Flanders, Belgium. Should this ban be implemented, it would have significant repercussions for freshwater and marine fish, impacting hobbyists, retailers, wholesalers, fish importers, and those abroad who depend on sustainable practices for their livelihoods in catching and exporting these fish.
Gerald Bassleer, the man behind the petition, explained “The proposed law by local authorities in Flanders, Belgium, threatens not just my personal passion for ornamental fish and the local aquarium industry, but also the livelihoods of humble fishermen. These fishermen and their families rely heavily on their natural resources to make a living, collecting ornamental fish sustainably using their hands and fishing nets. They are in jeopardy due to the prospective ban on importing and trading wild-caught ornamental fish. This can have an impact and risk of a ban on trade in all European countries!”
This is not the first instance of such a ban being suggested. As recently as 2021, Ornamental Fish International (OFI), the European Pet Organisation (EPO), the Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association (OATA), and DIBEVO collectively expressed their opposition to a nearly identical ban through a joint letter. They highlighted the unforeseen negative impacts, the number of individuals and livelihoods that could be affected, and numerous inaccuracies regarding wild collection.
The petition can be found here.